Friday, October 23, 2015

Long Summer

Autumn is here. Finally.

This summer was a very long one here, there was a lot of awesome stuff going on, but also a lot of stress, and very little crafting got done - I think all told, one market tote, a spiral scarf, and a tie-dye class were the only real crafts I can claim I got done. Which was both good and bad; usually I try to keep my hands full of yarn during the summer since Fall and Winter are when people are most interested in buying yarn-based things (especially with Christmas coming up around the corner), but I did get to take stock of some of my priorities through this summer, and that was a very, very good thing.

One of the biggest things that I got to experience was exactly how valuable my time is, and how many people will try to take some of it here, some of it there, until I feel that I have no time at all for me.

I started running this summer, which for anyone who knows me knows that probably means something was chasing me. In this case zombies, which I'll go into in a later post (since I actually intend to make these a regular thing, I swear. Here's to another try, now that I have a new computer) but I can now honestly say that I'm a runner, which is something I never thought I would do but I'm actually enjoying it, now that I'm not running in 90+F heat. On an unrelated note, now I understand why runners run at crazy-o'clock in the morning. Taking the time out for me, regularly, toward 1 set goal (to go from couch to 5k) felt pretty awesome, but I won't lie, it wasn't without catches or setbacks, and I had to start over twice; once to injury once and once to psycho-schedule. (I'm a genius who can schedule 30 hours into one day... hence lesson number 1 above. It's not smart, don't do it, and REALLY don't do it for a month straight!)

Sadly, I didn't have time to bike much this summer, but that one I gave up honestly and got another experience out of it - instead of riding a bike, I got to ride and drive horses this spring and summer, and while that's part of where the crazy schedule came from I wouldn't trade the experience for the world. My bike isn't going anywhere, who knows when I'll get to work with horses so much again. Between stalls, guiding rides, learning basics of hoof trimming, and working with and training the horses themselves, it was a huge blessing, but one that also sadly took a lot of time that I can't justify with other priorities right now, which leads me to the next lesson -

I need a new job. I'm so grateful for the one I have right now, but it's time for me to start actively finding and going after jobs in my own field - the one with the very expensive piece of paper that says I went to school to learn stuff? Yea, that field. Which is something I want very badly, but is also scary. A lot of me doesn't feel ready to leave the town I've come to call home, or the Church and friends I've come to call family, but odds are in order to find the kind of job I'm suited toward, I will have to leave. And while exciting, and awesome, and something I want very badly, is also rather terrifying.
This level of scary - where you know the actual thing would be awesome, but it just looks so terrifying 
Which is also part of why I finally caved and got myself a new laptop - so I have a mobile platform that's not my phone where I can work on my resume and search for jobs. While I'm still not looking forward to leaving here, I am looking forward to having a job where I feel more like I fit.

Last but not least, and way more fun : I got a new kitten.

Or rather, Miles got a new kitten. I'll give that an actual article later since (I think) it's a cute, funny story. She's also helping me get some of Miles's extra... fluff off of him, as well as keeping him company.

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