Saturday, June 4, 2016

Garden day

I got to hang out with a friend and get some gardening done, both with her and at my place.

(The mom I was helping is the same person who makes these awesome soaps at Second Chance Beads)

We got some later plants into her beds (beans and peppers) and got some tomato plants moved to their new homes, then got to sit on the porch eating salads that were basically grown in the garden.

After that, she sent me home with some veggies and herbs...

Miles loved the catnip, which I've since moved outside to avoid having both of the cats get insanely stoned and wreck the apartment.


I separated the lettuce leaves from their bases, which I've replanted (I'll do a post later on replanting lettuce and other veggies from cuttings)
Soaking the leaves to get all the dirt off!
In single-serving mason jars to use for lunches - just add meat, dressing, etc

Some lettuce cuttings, planted near a tomato plant

I also got a few Roma tomato plants from her, since too many were growing for her to use up even with 8 mouths in the house.

There are also some other plants that I got in over the past week, including some flowers, and one very adorable little bug-eating guardian 

Some shade-loving annuals; this bed is under a tree
See the toad?
The little guard is sitting behind the flower here
Some oregano and sage in the window

Basil plant


Chives grown from cuttings, and a small lettuce started last week
 Today was great timing to plant, since there we got some rain this afternoon once we were done getting the plants in. Now I get to sit back and chill for a bit before heading out for a crazy party, and by crazy party I mean board games with some of the coolest nerds I know. Miles would rather just hang out here and watch Lord of the Rings though...

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