Saturday, May 9, 2015

Market totes!

It's spring time - time for bike rides, for getting outdoors - and for visiting outdoor markets. One of my favorite projects this time of year is a simple market tote. These are wonderfully useful for carrying groceries or other market type goods in a convenient manner, without using disposable bags. Often made with 100% cotton (all of mine are), they are very sturdy and eco-friendly.

Market tote made from plain cotton yarn
These are also one of the most commented on items that I have currently - almost every time I stop by The Gaslight Gallery, where some of my work is displayed and for sale, someone mentions how much they could use one!

The length of the shoulder strap is adjustable; just untie the knot and re-tie at a length that feels comfortable. A few of my taller friends like the strap longer. Myself being slightly on the shorter side (have you ever met a tall ninja? I haven't yet!) I tie them a little shorter so the bag doesn't hang down to my knees.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

What are you training for? - Repost from original site

Probably an odd question, but it's a proven fact - we become what we train. If you ask any Olympian, any professional sports player, any martial artist or any member of the armed forces, they will tell you that their skills are the result of their training. And this truth extends past these applications.

People who train their responses to be patient and kind are patient and kind. People who allow their tempers to get free in anger are training just that. Those little, and sometimes not-so-little, decisions that we make add up. The evidence of the changes they effect in our lives may not be immediately evident, but over time they will be unmissable.

So, why do I say this?

If you want to start writing... start writing. Even a little bit a day will help. Same with reading more, which has been a stuggle of mine recently.

If you want to be kinder... start with your internal response. If someone cuts you off in traffic, or one of your kids/pets does something innocent that just makes you mad, check that as soon as you catch it. It takes time, but you will get better at it.

If you want to bike around town... start riding just a little bit a day, maybe just down the street and back. Same with running or walking.

If you want to learn parcour or martial arts, start training at the beginner's level stuff and don't stop. Keep advancing as you master each mountain that suddenly looks so very easy in the rear-view mirror.

Whatever it is you want to train yourself into, set aside a specific time each day and train specifically on the discipline you hope to achieve.

But the most important part of training isn't the single small decision to start, or to change, but the repeated choice to continue to do so for 3 days, for a week, for a month. And after that, after the habit of change has set in, the decision not to quit.

So, what are you training to be? I hope to read some awesome goals :)