Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sorry for the silence

I actually had to make a post with the same name a while ago, before I started using Blogger. Go figure. (Apologies ahead of time - this may get a little bit vent-y)

It's been a while since I made anything that wasn't a quick project either meant to be used right away (because I love to Macgyver everything), or just to give away quickly. Part of that was crazy busy times, especially while I was able to help out at Triple T for a while with the horses (that I miss like crazy), and part was high levels of stress from job- and roommate-related issues. I've gotten to work on and off on a few things, but mostly I'd get frustrated with them and frog them before I finished working on them.

*sigh* Such is life. I can't go back and make the time repeat itself more favorably, but I can pick up and dust myself off.

Once my roommate got herself evicted (this month) and I decided that for the time being I wasn't interested in having a new roommate, I converted the 2nd bedroom into a studio/guest room

So now I have a designated place for crafting

I needed a new dishtowel, so I went ahead and found a fun but simple pattern and made a small project that was nearly impossible to get too mad at before I finished it.

And I picked up a craft I haven't done in years for fun

Of course, I've also had some *help* remembering to have some fun once in a while too, and some help exercising.

I've also had to set up a schedule for working out, including running, which I've never liked before, 3x/week (Thank you Zombies, Run! I'm currently using the couch to 5k version, on week 5)
Right in my back yard, and the farthest I can be from traffic
So here's to picking up where I left off

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