Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ninjas and Crafts! - reposted from original site

I'm writing this blog as I get ready to launch my website! (Website building has gotten a lot easier since the last time I made a site, and it's a ton of fun! I highly recomend it to anyone who has something to make a site about - a small business, a local organization or cause, anything else you can think of that could benefit from a site). I'm definitely going to try to keep the blog on here updated weekly, if not more often. It may not always involve something I made, but I will certainly try to keep it fun and interesting! 
A few random odds and ends about myself that probably won't end up on the 'About Me' page in the final website:

 - One of my favorite hobbies is something called Geocaching; I'll definitely have to post about it at least a few times in here. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a world wide scavanger hunt where one person hides an item, posts coordinates or clues online ( and other people try to find it.

 - My cat thinks he's my boss/supervisor (that might be on the About Me page, simply because some of what happens because of this is hilarious).

 - I have taken Martial Arts, and now that old injuries have fully healed plan to start again soon. This is part of why I picked the name I did for my shop. The rest of the reason is just because I'm a geek, and ninjas are awesome!

 - I am kinda a huge nerd, though I probably don't have to mention that - I'm sure you'll notice with the random odds and ends I'll make and post.

 - I'm Christian - I mention this not to sound holier-than-thou or anything, but just because it is something that has a huge influence on my life, and will probably pop out a little bit in my writing.

 - I've been looking into minimalism a lot over the past year. I don't know that I will suddenly get rid of 95% of my stuff and backpack across the world (though that would completely and totally ROCK!!!!), but I am hoping to start living simpler, and part of that is figuring out what 'simpler' looks like in my life.

 - My favorite mode of transportation over short distances is my mountain bike, even though I live in a flat almost-city. Writing right now mid-winter, I can't wait until the weather warms up :)

So... hi, this is me, and welcome to Crafty Ninja Studio!